Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Infill Evolution

A post to express my joy through pursuing the "infill" concept with dated architecture.

Distant from the Main Campus, Warren Kark, University Architect, mentored a young architectural firm to design a "passive energy infill project" defined in orange above. This served as a prototype project for decades of future development on the Virginia Tech campus.
 The concept of  "Infill" is focused upon a much larger scale than isolated building complexes. It applies to campuses, as was the case at Virginia Tech, and to urban cores in our towns and cities. Infill is about the judicious use of our natural environment and resources.

This now leads to my next post which combines the "Infill" concept with a "Participatory Process" of re-vamping our architectural heritage within the urban core. The new post will be entitled, "Re-purposing/Restoration/Renovation Project."

Today, nearly 30 years later, the concept has proven itself as a valid architectural concept for the future. Instead of throwing away the our past, we can find joy and value in embracing it fully at then improving on the ideas to create even better solutions for our future.

Please now refer to "Re-purposing/Restoration/Renovation Project"

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